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Lot 401

FINLAND: SC Q8 MNH, VF-XF: 50mk blue, nice color and impressionCAT $37MIN. BID $5

Lot 402

FRANCE: SC 13 U, VF: 5c green, greenish, (I)- light cancel, 4 marginsCAT $62MIN. BID $9

Lot 403

FRANCE: SC 21 U, VF: 1fr lake, pinkish: horizontal crease, very minor thin- elusive stamp, missing from most collections, with a 2021 A.P.S. certificateCAT $2475MIN. BID $230

Lot 404

FRANCE: SC 47 U, AVE-F: 40c orange, yellowish: margins cut into design (UL, TL), pencil notationCAT $100MIN. BID $9

Lot 405

FRANCE: SC 48 U, F-VF: 80c rose, pinkish: 4 margins, light cancel (pencil notation)CAT $250MIN. BID $35

Lot 406

FRANCE: SC 52 U, F-VF: 4c gray, Bordeaux issueCAT $40MIN. BID $5

Lot 407

FRANCE: SC 64 MHR, F: 1c green, greenish: Ty. I- one nibbed pf. (bottom)CAT $125MIN. BID $14

Lot 408

FRANCE: SC 72 U, VF on piece: 25c ultra, bluish: Ty. I- short pfs. (bottom)CAT $55MIN. BID $5

Lot 409

FRANCE: SC 89 U, F-VF: 3c yellow, strawberry: Ty. II- faint cancel, sealed tear, UL, nice stamp from the frontCAT $42MIN. BID $3

Lot 410

FRANCE: SC 91 MHR, F-VF: 10c black, lavender: Ty. II- couple nibbed pfs.CAT $35MIN. BID $4

Lot 411

FRANCE: SC 93 U, F-VF: 25c black, red: Ty. II- pencil notationCAT $25MIN. BID $3

Lot 412

FRANCE: SC 99 MH, F-VF: 25c yellow, strawberry: Ty. II- pf. 14 x 13-1/2- one short pf. (LR), otherwise a very nice example of this stampCAT $340MIN. BID $40

Lot 413

FRANCE: SC 100 MH, F-VF: 25c black, pale rose: Ty. IICAT $72MIN. BID $10

Lot 414

FRANCE: SC 101 MHR, F-VF: 50c rose, pale rose: Ty. II- one nibbed pf.CAT $210MIN. BID $24

Lot 415

FRANCE: SC 126 U, F-VF: 2fr gray-violet & yellow- perfinCAT $75MIN. BID $8

Lot 416

FRANCE: SC 201 MH, F-VF: high value in set, nice color and impressionCAT $26MIN. BID $4

Lot 417

FRANCE: SC 253 U, F-VF: 20 fr red-brown- Ty. I, Pf. 13-1/2CAT $40MIN. BID $5

Lot 418

FRANCE: SC 342-347 U, VF: complete set of 6- very nice!CAT $28MIN. BID $4

Lot 419

FRANCE: SC 700-705 MH, VF: complete set of 6 (CV is for NH)CAT $61MIN. BID $7

Lot 420

FRANCE: SC 707-710 MH, F-VF: complete set of 4 (CV is for NH)CAT $24MIN. BID $3

Lot 421

FRANCE: SC B11 U, VF: 15c + 5cCAT $60MIN. BID $8

Lot 422

FRANCE: SC B63-65, B74-85 MH, VF-XF: sharp-looking group of semipostals, all with nice centering (a couple have pencil notations)CAT $110MIN. BID $14

Lot 423

FRANCE: SC B86-102 MH, VF-XF: attractive group of 20!CAT $85MIN. BID $10

Lot 424

FRANCE: SC B158-173, B175-184 MH, VF-XF: another nice group of semipostals (a couple have pencil notations)CAT $22MIN. BID $4

Lot 425

FRANCE: SC C18-C22, CB1-CB3 MH, VF-XF: well-centered group of stamps, all with sharp color and impressions (some with pencil notations)CAT $58MIN. BID $9

Lot 426

FRANCE: SC C22 U, VF: 500fr, dark Prussian green- unobtrusive cancelCAT $27MIN. BID $4

Lot 427

FRANCE: SC J14 MH, VF: 4c black- paper inclusion on back, sharp-looking stamp from the frontCAT $60MIN. BID $8

Lot 428

FRANCE: SC J22 U, VF: 60c black- a couple nibbed pfs.CAT $58MIN. BID $7

Lot 429

FRANCE: SC J92 MH, VF-XF: 100fr deep green- high value in set (CV is for NH)CAT $65MIN. BID $6

Lot 430

FRENCH INDIA: SC 13 MH, VF: 35c black, yellowish: beautiful color and impression!CAT $19MIN. BID $3

Lot 431

FRENCH SOUTHERN & ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: SC C14 MNH, VF-XF: key value in set of 2, a beautiful stamp!CAT $175MIN. BID $30

Lot 432

GAMBIA: SC 18 MH, F-VF: 6p slate green, wmk. 2 sideways- pencil notationCAT $67MIN. BID $8

Lot 433

GERMAN EAST AFRICA: SC 40 MH, F-VF: 2r yellow-green, wmk. 125 (lozenges), Pf. 14-1/2 x 14CAT $47MIN. BID $7

Lot 434

GERMAN STATES- BADEN: SC 3 U, F-VF: 6kr black, yellow-greenCAT $45MIN. BID $6

Lot 435

GERMAN STATES- BAVARIA: SC 38 MH, F-VF: 3pf green. Wmk. 94 (small inclusions)CAT $35MIN. BID $4

Lot 436


Lot 437

GERMAN STATES- BAVARIA: SC 101 U, F-VF: 15pf carmineCAT $27MIN. BID $3

Lot 438

GERMAN STATES- BAVARIA: SC 223 U, VF: 75pf olive bisterCAT $35MIN. BID $5

Lot 439

No Lot

Lot 440

GERMAN STATES- BRUNSWICK: SC 3U, F: 3sgr vermilion- space fillerCAT $250MIN. BID $18

Lot 441

GERMAN STATES-U.S POSTAL HISTORY: stampless letter 12 Aug 1822, sent from Hamburg to Boston to Providence, R.I.- 72c rate (2c captain, 70c for letter weight, 1-3/4 oz.)- high postageCAT N/AMIN. BID $50

Lot 442

GERMAN STATES- HAMBURG: SC 4 U, F-VF: 3sh blue, wmk. wove paper, impf., typographed- color and wmk. are normal for this issue- common Hamburg cancel (4 bars)- 4 margin copy, but narrow at the topCAT $125MIN. BID $16

Lot 443

GERMAN STATES- HAMBURG: SC 22 MH, VF: 1-1/4 sh lilac, Pf. 13-1/2- no wmk. noted, stray mark, LR (Michel 12a, light brown violet)CAT $95MIN. BID $14

Lot 444

GERMAN STATES- HANOVER: SC 6 U, F-VF: 1/30th black, salmon- 3 marginsCAT $60MIN. BID $7

Lot 445

GERMAN STATES- THURN AND TAXIS: SC 7 U, F-VF: 3sgr black, brownish-yellow- margins uneven (top, RT)CAT $30MIN. BID $4

Lot 446


Lot 447


Lot 448

GERMAN STATES- WURTTEMBERG: SC O59-63, O176-183 MLH, VF: complete sets of 5 and 8CAT $33MIN. BID $5

Lot 449

GERMANY: SC 3 U, VF: 1/2g red-orange (nibbed pfs.- top)CAT $40MIN. BID $5

Lot 450

GERMANY: SC 6 U, VF: 5gr bister, railway cancel (cut pfs., top)CAT $85MIN. BID $7