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Lot 301

NEW ZEALAND- MODERN ISSUES: 374 different stamps. Range of regular issues: SC 273-1624 (to 1999, but sparse after 1985). Great lot for complete sets, more than 40 (many of which are MNH). Lot has SC 402 MNH & B63a MNH. Attractively priced at less than $.05 per stamp.CAT $200MIN. BID $18

Lot 302

“O” COUNTRIES- OBOCK, OLTRE GIUBA, ORANGE RIVER COLONY: 23 different stamps (Obock- 1, Oltre Giuba- 11, Orange River Colony- 11). 17 catalog $1.00-up. Lot has Obock SC 53 M; Oltre Giuba SC 1 M, 29-35 M; Orange River Colony SC 8.CAT $65MIN. BID $8

Lot 303

ORANGE RIVER COLONY, TRANSVAAL: 63 different stamps (Orange River Colony- 18, Transvaal- 45). 38 catalog $1.00-up. Some reprints from Transvaal are included for reference. They are labeled but were not valued. Better items include Orange River Colony SC 8; Transvaal SC 130 M, 140 M, 151 M & 260.CAT $120MIN. BID $12

Lot 304

PAKISTAN- REGULAR ISSUES: 173 different stamps ranging from SC 1-897 (to the mid 1990s). 38 catalog $1.00-up. Lot has 7 complete sets and SC 30. Priced at less than $.05 per stamp.CAT $100MIN. BID $8

Lot 305

PAKISTAN- B.O.B. ISSUES: 82 different stamps (officials- 63, Bahawalpur- 19). 13 catalog $1.00-up. Better stamps include SC O22, O32, O34, O41, O80, O91 & Bahawalpur SC O16 M.CAT $70MIN. BID $8

Lot 306

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Unidentified lot of more than 350 different stamps. Nice mix of older and modern material. Many complete sets appear to be present and also some Japanese occupation issues. Unchecked for wmk. & perf. varieties.CAT $275MIN. BID $20

Lot 307

PORTUGAL- MADEIRA: 6 MNH bklt. panes; SC 80a, 85a, 100a, 114a, 118a & 142ab.CAT $45MIN. BID $5

Lot 308

PUERTO RICO: 78 different stamps (73 under Spanish Dominion, 5 under U.S. Dominion). 19 catalog $1.00-up. Better items include SC 87 M, 128 M, 158 M & 211 M.CAT $70MIN. BID $7

Lot 309

RHODESIA (BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA): 33 different regular issues ranging from SC 26-121. All but one catalog $1.00-up. Strong lot with many better stamps: SC 27, 34, 38, 44 M, 50 M, 51 M, 59 M, 66, 73, 84, 88 M, 98 & 103.CAT $210MIN. BID $24

Lot 310

RUSSIA- MODERN ISSUES: ALL MNH LOT consisting of 53 different issues. Almost all are multiples (strips, sheets, etc.), but there are a few single stamps as parts of sets. Range of issues: SC 3497-6350a (to 1996). Better items include SC 4431, 4516, 5896a, 6257, 6261a, 6261b & 6350a.CAT $115MIN. BID $12

Lot 311

RUSSIA- MISCELLANEOUS: 36 different stamps (Batum- 2, Far Eastern Republic- 17, Siberia- 6, Transcaucasian Federated Republic- 11). 26 catalog $1.00-up. Good starter collection.CAT $70MIN. BID $7

Lot 312

ST. CHRISTOPHER/ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 58 different issues (St. Christopher- 6, St. Kitts-Nevis- 52). 31 catalog $1.00-up. Better stamps include St. Christopher SC 7, 8 M, 16 (trimmed perfs. LR and bottom- 50% of SCV); St. Kitts-Nevis SC 33 M, 34 M, 47 M, 48 M, 49 M, 131 M, 132 M & 134 M.CAT $155MIN. BID $16

Lot 313

ST. LUCIA: 53 different issues. 15 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 11-184. Lot has 4 complete sets. Better stamps include SC 11, 12, 13, 14, 47 M, 50 M & 81 M.CAT $150MIN. BID $16

Lot 314

ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON: 68 different issues. 29 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 60-516. Better stamps include SC 399, 418, 434 MNH, 435 MNH, 447 MNH, C56 MNH & Q3.CAT $130MIN. BID $14
double check images

Lot 315

ST. THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS: 52 different issues. 12 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 44-356. Lot has SC 55 & 58.CAT $50MIN. BID $5

Lot 316

SINGAPORE- REGULAR ISSUES: 246 different stamps ranging from SC 1-829 (to 1998). 71 catalog $1.00-up. Most of the stamps are used. Lot has more than 10 complete sets and many better items: SC 16a, 19, 20a, 42, 69, 115, 127 MNH, 128 MNH, 156, 165 MNH, 166 MNH, 200 & 209.CAT $320MIN. BID $35

Lot 317

SOLOMON ISLANDS: 202 different issues. 47 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 8-735 (to 1993). Nice lot with 16 complete mint sets. Better stamps include SC 45, 46 M, 79, 100 MNH, 101 M, 102 M, 103 M, 104 M, 284 MNH, 570-74 M, 575 M, 728 M & J6 M.CAT $275MIN. BID $30

Lot 318

SOUTH AFRICA- ISSUES TO 1949: 85 different stamps. 45 catalog $1.00-up. Lot has 5 complete sets. Better items include SC 26 MNH, 26, 27, 44 MNH, 44, 52 MNH, 56, 57 MNH, 62 MNH, 62, 80 M, B1 M, B4 M & O14.CAT $250MIN. BID $26

Lot 319

SOUTH AFRICA- REGULAR MODERN ISSUES: 286 different stamps ranging from SC 115-1199 (to 2000). 30 catalog $1.00-up. Better items include SC 213 M, 313 & 1199. Great lot for complete sets. Priced at less than $.05 per stamp.CAT $150MIN. BID $14

Lot 320

SOUTH AFRICA: BOPHUTHATSWANA, CISKEI: ALL MNH LOT featuring 49 different stamps from Bophuthatswana and 49 from Ciskei. Range of issues: Bophuthatswana SC-76-168; Ciskei SC 1-84. More than 25 complete sets in all.CAT $40 MIN. BID $6

Lot 321

SOUTH AFRICA: TRANSKEI, VENDA: ALL MNH LOT consisting of 140 different issues (Transkei- 80, Venda- 60). Range of issues: Transkei SC 26-166; Venda SC 48-123. 30 complete sets in all.CAT $50MIN. BID $8

Lot 322

SOUTHWEST AFRICA: 180 different regular issues ranging from SC 97a-601 (to 1988). 28 catalog $1.00-up. Lot has 28 complete sets, including SC 447-63. All of the later material is MNH. Better stamps include SC 133 M, 134 M, 141 M & 147 M.CAT $150MIN. BID $16

Lot 323


Lot 324

SOUTHERN RHODESIA: 83 different issues (1 postage due). 35 catalog $1.00-up. Range of issues: SC 1-104. Better stamps include SC 5, 7, 10, 20 M, 24 M, 35, 40 & 80 MNH.CAT $145MIN. BID $14

Lot 325

SPANISH SAHARA: ALL MINT & MNH LOT consisting of 126 different issues in complete sets (around 30 in all). Range of issues: SC 65-229, B25-54, E2. Priced at less than $.05 per stamp.CAT $50MIN. BID $6

Lot 326

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 127 different regular issues (1 Japanese occupation issue) ranging from SC 10-268. 63 catalog $1.00-up. Strong lot loeaded with good stamps: SC 10 SF, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 SF, 54, 55, 86, 90, 93, 100 M, 118, 122, 123 SF, 124, 161 M, 215, 235-37 MNH, 248 M & 251.CAT $400MIN. BID $40

Lot 327

SWEDEN- 19th CENTURY: 52 different mostly used issues (regular- 44, B.O.B.- 8). 33 catalog $1.00-up. Better stamps include SC 6 SF, 9, 10 AVE-F, 11, 12 SF, 28, 31, 34 AVE, 38, 48, O8 & Q1.CAT $200MIN. BID $26

Lot 328

SWEDEN- 1900-49: 294 different mostly used issues (regular -268, B.O.B.- 26). Range of regular issues: SC 66-416. 74 catalog $1.00-up. Lot has 20 complete sets. Better stamps include SC 66, 195, 200, 240, 254, 262, 263 & 334.CAT $260MIN. BID $30

Lot 329

SWEDEN- MODERN ISSUES: Unidentified lot of 875 different stamps beginning around 1950 and continuing into the early 1990s. Almost all of the stamps are used. Many complete sets appear to be present. There are also some used blocks and strips. Priced at about 3-1/2c per stamp.CAT $600MIN. BID $30

Lot 330

SWEDEN- MULTIPLES: ALL MNH LOT consisting of 31 different issues (bklt. Panes, sheets, 2 proofs, and 1 private issue). Range of issues: SC 850-2408.CAT $250MIN. BID $28

Lot 331

SWITZERLAND- REGULAR ISSUES TO 1907: 42 different stamps, mostly used, ranging from SC 40-118. 35 catalog $1.00-up. Better items include SC 40 SF (horizontal crease, not visible from the front), 56, 61, 62, 69a, 70, 75, 76, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 94, 96a, 97, 106, 109, 110, 117 & 118.CAT $375MIN. BID $35

Lot 332

SWITZERLAND- REGULAR ISSUES, 1907-49: 195 different stamps ranging from SC 126-339. 90 catalog $1.00-up. Outstanding lot with more than 15 complete sets, loaded with better items: SC 127, 130, 131, 142, 135a, 142a, 156, 163, 170, 180 MNG, 191, 194, 201, 202, 203, 201a, 202a, 206, 209, 214, 215, 244, 245, 249, 259, 262, 266, 267 & 324.CAT $500MIN. BID $50

Lot 333

SWITZERLAND- SEMIPOSTALS, AIRMAILS TO 1949: 163 different issues (semipostal- 142, airmail- 21). 76 catalog $1.00-up. Range of issues: SC B11-B188, C3-C44. Over 25 complete sets. Better stamps include SC B11, B14, B17, B19, B20 M, B23, B44, B56, B65-68 MNH, B76, B78, B84, B109, B161, B169, B177, C8, C10a & C34.CAT $350 MIN. BID $35

Lot 334

SWITZERLAND- MODERN ISSUES: Unidentified lot of more than 525 different stamps (almost all are used) running up into the 1990s. Many complete sets appear to be present. This is a good lot to fill some spaces at a fraction of SCV. Priced at around $.03 per stamp.CAT $300MIN. BID $16

Lot 335

SWITZERLAND: Airmail parcel post card franked with 5fr and 10fr and 2-80c definitives, sent to San Antonio, Texas in 1954. Scarce use of high-value stamps on cover. Cover has some damage.CAT N/AMIN. BID $5

Lot 336

THAILAND- REGULAR ISSUES TO 1960 AND B.O.B. ISSUES: 188 different stamps. 98 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 2-362. Lot has 11 complete sets. Better items include SC 114 M, 132M, 136 M, 195, 252, 259 (Ty.I), 271, 273, 279, 282, 287 M, 294, 305, 328, 329 M, 362 (block of 4), C3 M, C4 M, C6 M & C7 M.CAT $400 MIN. BID $45

Lot 337

THAILAND- MODERN ISSUES: 292 different stamps ranging from SC 363-1728. 86 catalog $1.00-up. Good lot for complete sets (24). Better items include SC 467, 468 M, 484, 508, 652 M 693, 770 & 983-92 M.CAT $275 MIN. BID $30

Lot 338

THRACE: 30 different occupation issues (WWI allied occupation and Greek occupation). 7 catalog $1.00-up. Better stamps include SC N9e M, N10e M, N13 M, N14 M & N15a M.EST $140MIN. BID $16

Lot 339

TOPICAL- 500th ANNIVERSARY OF COLUMBUS’ DISCOVERY OF AMERICA: Italy SC 1883-88, Portugal SC 1918-23, Spain SC 2677-82. Sets of 6 souvenir sheets, MNH VF.CAT $57MIN. BID $7

Lot 340

TOPICAL- 80th BIRTHDAY OF THE QUEEN MOTHER: 7 MNH, VF souvenir sheets- Ascension SC 261, Bermuda SC 401, Cayman Islands SC 443, Gambia SC 412, Gibraltar SC 393, Samoa SC 532 and Tristan da Cunha SC 277.CAT $20MIN. BID $3

Lot 341

TOPICAL- SMALL EUROPEAN POSTAL ADMINISTRATION COOPERATION (“SEPAC”): Beautiful corners of Europe. Issued in 2007, first in a series of three. 11 MNH stamps from 11 different countries.CAT $22MIN. BID $3

Lot 342

TOPICAL- SYNAGOGUES AROUND THE WORLD: Attractive group of 136 MNH stamps from 34 different countries. Collection presented on Vario stock book pages.CAT $160MIN. BID $20

Lot 343

TOBAGO, TRINIDAD: 54 different stamps (Tobago- 13, Trinidad- 41). 41 catalog $1.00-up. Range of issues: Tobago SC 3-31; Trinidad SC 43-107. Lot has Tobago SC 3 SF, 13 M SF, 15 M, 17 M, 20 M, 25 M, 31; Trinidad SC 49a, 51, 52, 52a, 54, 61, 62, 65, 68 M, 72, 73 M, 83 M, 84 M, 85 M & 86!!!!CAT $370MIN. BID $50

Lot 344

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO- TO 1960: 72 different stamps. 22 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 1-98. Lot has 4 complete sets and SC 52 M, MR7 M.CAT $70MIN. BID $7

Lot 345

TUNISIA- UNDER FRENCH DOMINION: 213 different issues (regular- 177, B.O.B.- 36). 36 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 1-330. Lot has 7 complete sets and SC 1 M, B15 M.CAT $130MIN. BID $14

Lot 346

TUNISIA- INDEPENDENT STATE: 158 different issues (regular- 147, B.O.B.- 11). 21 catalog $1.00-up. Range of regular issues: SC 336-702. Lot has 10 complete sets. Better items include SC 363 M, C31 & C32.CAT $100MIN. BID $10

Lot 347

URUGUAY- AIRMAIL ISSUE: ALL MINT LOT consisting of 49 different stamps ranging from SC C 28-139 (1932-49). Better items include SC C60A, C83, C84, C87, C90, C92, C100, C101, C102, C102a, C103, C104, C113, C125 & C126.CAT $180MIN. BID $22

Lot 348

VENEZUELA- REGULAR ISSUES, 1939-48: ALL MINT LOT consisting of 57 different stamps ranging from SC 348-412. 31 catalog $1.00-up. Nice lot with many better items, including SC 349, 354, 355, 356, 361, 363, 365, 366, 380, 381, 382, 384, 386, 387, 400 & 412.CAT $260MIN. BID $30

Lot 349

VENEZUELA- AIRMAIL ISSUES, 1938-48: ALL MINT LOT consisting of 164 different stamps (and 1 semipostal). Range of issues: SC C79-283. 92 catalog $1.00-up. Fantastic lot with 14 complete sets and numerous better items: SC B1, C94, C97, C99, C102, C104, C106, C107, C108, C109, C110, C111, C112, C125, C126, C134, C135, C140, C141, C154, C158, C196, C197, C205, C214, C215, C232, C234, C235, C254, C255, C269, C276, C277 & C283.CAT $525MIN. BID $60

Lot 350

Approximately 250 covers featuring BIRDS. The majority are U.S. (maybe 1/4 of the lot are foreign).CAT N/AMIN. BID $12