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Lot 451

CANADA: 1232a MNH, VF: 38c small crafts issue, complete sheet of 50.CAT $30MIN. BID $6

Lot 452

CANADA: 1269a MNH, VF: 39c small crafts issue, complete sheet of 50.CAT $35MIN. BID $7

Lot 453

CANADA: 1378 MNH, VF: $5 Carnegie Public Library, PB of 4, UR position.CAT $30MIN. BID $6

Lot 454

CANADA: 1694 MNH, VF: $8 grizzly bear, complete sheet of 4.CAT $50MIN. BID $10

Lot 455

CANADA: 1696a MNH, VF: 45c maple leaf, booklet pane of 18.CAT $25MIN. BID $5

Lot 456

CANADA: 1699a MNH, VF: 46c maple leaf, booklet pane of 18.CAT $50MIN. BID $8

Lot 457

CANADA: C2 MH, VF-XF: 5c dark brown (one short perf, TL).CAT $45MIN. BID $10

Lot 458

CANADA: C6 (4) MNH, VF: 6c blue, PB of 4, UL position.CAT $22MIN. BID $5

Lot 459

CANADA: E3 U, F-VF: 20c orange, nice Englehart, Ont. CDS cancel.CAT $22MIN. BID $5

Lot 460

CANADA: E4 MH, F-VF: 20c henna brown.CAT $65MIN. BID $12

Lot 461

CANADA: E7 (4) MNH, VF: 10c dark green, pristine block of 4.CAT $60MIN. BID $10

Lot 462

CANADA: E9 (4) MNH, VF-XF: 10c on 20c, dark carmine, block of 4.CAT $32MIN. BID $6

Lot 463

CANADA POSTAL HISTORY: 107, CL40, 1927 cover, sent Ontario-New Jersey.CAT N/AMIN. BID $16

Lot 464

CANADA POSTAL HISTORY: 126 (pair), CL47 (on back), 1929 cover sent to Philadelphia.CAT $150MIN. BID $22

Lot 465

CANADA POSTAL HISTORY: C4, 1932 FDC, St. John-Bartlesville, Okla., rerouted to Winnipeg, U.S. postage due 2c, nice airmail stamp cachet.CAT $30MIN. BID $7

Lot 466

CASTELLORIZO: 78 U, VF: 1.25l deep blue, nicely cancelled.CAT $25MIN. BID $5

Lot 467

CAYMAN ISLANDS: 13 MHR, F-VF: 4p brown & blue.CAT $40MIN. BID $6

Lot 468

CAYMAN ISLANDS: 14 MHR, VF: 6p olive green & rose.CAT $50MIN. BID $8

Lot 469

CAYMAN ISLANDS: 15 MHR, VF: 1sh violet & green.CAT $65MIN. BID $12

Lot 470

CEYLON: 328 U, VF: 10r brown, high value in set.CAT $20MIN. BID $5

Lot 471

CHINA: 5 U, F-VF: 3c brown red, thin paper, 22.75 x 26 mm.CAT $400MIN. BID $50

Lot 472

CHINA: 13 MH, VF-XF: 1c green, wmk 103, a beauty!CAT $85MIN. BID $18

Lot 473

CHINA: 14 U, F: 3c lilac, wmk 103, faint cancel.CAT $125MIN. BID $18

Lot 474

CHINA: 15 U, F: 5c greenish yellow, wmk 103 (pencil notation on back).CAT $175MIN. BID $22

Lot 475

CHINA: 219 MH, VF: $5 scarlet & black, London Printing, with a 2023 P.F. certificate.CAT $825MIN. BID $200

Lot 476

CHINA: B9a MNH, VF: War Refugees, sheet of 6 (B4-B9).CAT $200MIN. BID $45

Lot 477

CHINA: E10 U, VF: 10c green, green serial numbers.CAT $100MIN. BID $14

Lot 478

CHINA: 6N27 (2) U, VF: $5 pair, type II (389 ovpted).CAT $60MIN. BID $10

Lot 479

CHINA: 6N28 U, VF: $10 type II, 390 ovpted (bold cancel).CAT $67MIN. BID $6

Lot 480

CHINA POSTAL HISTORY: 249, 253, 254, 262 (2) on registered cover, sent Shanghai-France.CAT N/AMIN. BID $8

Lot 481

R.O.C.: 1131 – 34, MNGI, Maps, complete set of 4CAT $36.50MIN. BID $7

Lot 482

R.O.C.: 1261-64 MNH, VF: Chinese paintings, complete set of 4.CAT $48MIN. BID $10

Lot 483

R.O.C.: 1290-1307 MLH, VF: Ancient Chinese art treasures, complete set of 18 (CV is for NH).CAT $174MIN. BID $24

Lot 484

R.O.C.: 1322a MNH, VF: 50th anniversary of the Republic of China, souvenir sheet of 2.CAT $20MIN. BID $5

Lot 485

R.O.C.: 1355-58 MNH, VF: Chinese emperors, complete set of 4.CAT $370MIN. BID $65

Lot 486

R.O.C.: 1386-89 MNH, VF: Flowers, complete set of 4.CAT $36MIN. BID $6

Lot 487

R.O.C.: 1414-17 MNH, VF: Fruit, complete set of 4.CAT $88MIN. BID $16

Lot 488

R.O.C.: 1471-74 MNH, VF: Facial paintings for Chinese operas, complete set of 4.CAT $106MIN. BID $18

Lot 489

R.O.C.: 1135 U, $2 Magenta souvenir sheetCAT $35MIN. BID $6

Lot 490

R.O.C.: 1588-89 MNH, VF: Roosters, granite paper, complete set of 2.CAT $73MIN. BID #14

Lot 491

R.O.C.: 1863 (4) MNH, VF: $8 brown stallion, high value in set, corner margin block of 4 with imprint.CAT $35MIN. BID $6

Lot 492

R.O.C.: C69 (4) MNH, VF: $8 seagull in flight, pristine block of 4, lower LT corner position.CAT $33MIN. BID $6

Lot 493

P.R.C.: 33 U, VF: $2000 dark brown & red, with a single curved line in button.CAT $24MIN. BID $6

Lot 494

P.R.C.: 62 MNGAI, VF: $800 green, an original and reprint on RT.CAT $55MIN. BID $12

Lot 495

P.R.C.: 65 MNGAI, F-VF: $100 light greenish blue.CAT $45MIN. BID $6

Lot 496

P.R.C.: 245-48 MNGAI, VF: Portraits of scientists, complete set of 4.CAT $24MIN. BID $5

Lot 497

P.R.C.: 290-94 MNGAI, VF: Famous views of imperial Peking, complete set of 5.CAT $39MIN. BID $7

Lot 498

P.R.C.: 337-40 MNGAI, VF: Ancient pagodas, complete set of 4.CAT $19MIN. BID $5

Lot 499

P.R.C.: 569-73 U (CTO), VF: complete set of 5.CAT $70MIN. BID $10

Lot 500

P.R.C.: 694-95 MNGAI, VF: 20f bister, 20f green, high values in set.CAT $34MIN. BID $6