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Lot 201
HAWAII: 32 MH, VF: 5c blue.
CAT $175
MIN. BID $30
Lot 202
HAWAII: 45 MH, F-VF: 10c vermilion (1 short perf, UL).
RYUKYUS ISLANDS: E1 MHR, VF: 5y bright blue (ECV is for NH).
CAT $25
Lot 210
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: stampless folded letter, New York city dispatch post, dated Feb 6 1843.
MIN. BID $14
Lot 211
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1848 stampless folded letter, Painesville-Summit City, OH, “paid 5”: An invitation to a military assembly in honor of Washington’s birthday.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 212
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1852 stampless folded letter, New York-Switzerland, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 213
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1853 stampless lady cover, New York-Geneva, great markings, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 214
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1854 stampless folded letter, New York-Switzerland, nice “paid” and CDS cancels, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $14
Lot 215
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1854 stampless cover, Cincinnati-Switzerland via Bremen, carried on ocean line “Washington”, rated as 14c debit to Bremen, with 33 kreuzer debit to Switzerland. 130 Rappen due from addressee. Great cancels and markings.
MIN. BID $16
Lot 216
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1855 stampless cover, New York-Copenhagen via Prussia. 37 cents rate not prepaid, carried on Collins line steamer “Baltic”. Rated 23 cents debit to Prussia, 13 silbergrosschen debit to Denmark, 17-1/2 skilling due from addressee.
MIN. BID $14
Lot 217
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1855 stampless cover, New York-Stockholm via Prussia. Rated 46 cents debit to Prussia, 28-1/2 sgr debit to Sweden, 2-2/10 riksdaler due from addressee.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 218
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1856 stampless cover, Boston-Copenhagen via Prussia, nice markings on back, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 219
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1857 stampless folded letter, New York-St. Petersburg via Prussia, double 37 cents rate not prepaid, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $14
Lot 220
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1859 stampless folded letter, written in Spanish, New York-Madrid via France, 21 cents treaty rate, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 221
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1859 stampless cover, Cincinnati-New Zealand via Southampton, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $14
Lot 222
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1860 stampless folded letter, New York-Cadiz, Spain via England. 5 cents, British packet rate, carried on Cunard line ship “America”. 4 reales postage due from addressee.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 223
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1861 stampless folded letter, rated 37c not prepaid, New York-St. Petersburg via Prussia, with rate explanation and breakdown.
MIN. BID $12
Lot 224
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: Three stampless covers sent from Troy, N.Y.; sent to Elizabethtown, N.Y. (clear CDS cancel, handwritten “paid”, and fancy scroll “paid”); to Milwaukee (CDS, “10 cts”, nice advertising logo and wax seal on reverse); 1855 cover sent to London, rate explanation and breakdown included.
MIN. BID $16
Lot 225
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: 1862 Civil War soldiers mail and ship mail, great cancels.
MIN. BID $20
Lot 226
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 7, 1c blue type II, red carrier cancel (+$25).
CAT $200
MIN. BID $24
Lot 227
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 9 on cover, red cancel, “U.S. mail 4pm delivery”.
CAT $160
MIN. BID $22
Lot 228
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10 type I, 1852 usage, Vermont- Harris County, Georgia.
CAT $260
MIN. BID $28
Lot 229
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A type II, great advertising cover corner cachet (Charles Harriman, ship chandler).
CAT $200
MIN. BID $22
Lot 230
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10 (4), 1855 folded letter, Philadelphia- New York city.
CAT $290
MIN. BID $35
Lot 231
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A, tied to cover by a beautiful New Haven, Con CDS cancel (some damage to back flap).
CAT $250
MIN. BID $35
Lot 232
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A, 1852 folded letter, stamp tied to it by an attractive Troy, N.Y. Jul 31 CDS cancel.
CAT $200
MIN. BID $22
Lot 233
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A (pair) tied by Troy N.Y. Mar 8 CDS cancel, sent to Nevada City, CA (6 c West Coast rate).
CAT $675
MIN. BID $75
Lot 234
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A, 1857 cover (late use), great invoice enclosure (part of back flap is missing).
CAT $200
MIN. BID $24
Lot 235
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A, 3c brownish carmine and SC 15L13, 1c bronze, black acid tied on a lady cover, Philadelphia-Vermont, with a 2023 P.S.A.G. certificate.
CAT $1000
MIN. BID $160
Lot 236
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A (3), orange brown, type II, 1853 folded letter, stamps tied by grid cancels, CDS New York Jul 9.
CAT $500
MIN. BID $70
Lot 237
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A type II, orange brown, Philadelphia-N.Y. 1852 folded letter, left corner missing but nice CDS and 50 cts due cancels.
CAT $225
MIN. BID $14
Lot 238
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A, New York-Newton, Conn, great embossed corner advertising card.
CAT $225
MIN. BID $35
Lot 239
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 10A (pair), type II, 1855 folded letter, Boston CDS cancel, stamps tied by circular paid cancel.
CAT $550
MIN. BID $85
Lot 240
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 11 (3) dull red, type I, 1856 folded letter, Philadelphia- N.Y.C.
CAT $55
Lot 241
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 11A (2) type II, 1854 folded letter, N.Y.- Burlington, Iowa.
CAT $50
Lot 242
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 20 type II, plate 12, stamp XF. Tied to cover by a red N.Y. city delivery cancel (back flap damaged).
CAT $375
MIN. BID $85
Lot 243
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24 (2), 26, 35, 1860 cover, N.Y-Denmark via Hamburg, 20c rate underpaid but accepted as prepaid to Germany, carried on HAPAG line steamer “Teutonia”, 10c credit to Hamburg, 9 silbergrosschen debit to Demark, with a 1990 P.F. certificate.
CAT $165
MIN. BID $35
Lot 244
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24 tied to lady cover by a red city carrier cancel (+$20), rough opened.
CAT $65
MIN. BID $10
Lot 245
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24 (pair) tied by black carrier city cancels (damage to back flap).
CAT $97
MIN. BID $16
Lot 246
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24 (pair), Feb 10 1859 cover, city mail delivery cancel, with enclosure.
CAT $95
MIN. BID $16
Lot 247
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24, 1859 folded letter (crease).
CAT $45
Lot 248
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24, 26 sent to Poplar Ridge, Cayuga County, N.Y. wax seal on back.
CAT $56
MIN. BID $10
Lot 249
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 24, 26 on cover sent Philadelphia-Dover, Delaware.
CAT $55
Lot 250
UNITED STATES POSTAL HISTORY: SC 26A, dull red type IV, sent to Berlin, VT.